'PAKEM paugeran' puppet is to be followed by the puppet masters. Nevertheless, the isen-isen in puppet teaching must be adapted to the times. 'Nut kelakone era'. Even in certain scenes, certain figures of speech are also not taboo 'glenyengan' or 'dleweran' to the actual problems that are in the community. Even when you're in the 'ined, suddenly 'Janaka terkentut', actually is not a taboo. 'Janaka' Is not it too common picture of the human figure?
The announcement Ki Hadi Sugito to the KR in 1987. It was the style of puppet Ki Hadi Sugito considered to have suffered far leap forward, innovative and creative. "In the matter of the play, if play-act play 'babonan' I was always exactly the same as what's in standard play. But if you play the stories 'carangan', I did a lot of interpreting my own and adjust to the situation when I 'mendalang'.'Carangan' stories that was also created solely by our great-grandfather? "Said Ki Hadi Sugito at that time.
Besides known there is a balance between spectacle (entertainment) and guidance (education courses), Ki Hadi Sugito puppetry styles since the 70s was known always fresh packed but weighty. Vocal prowess and 'antawecana' mastermind 'Kulonprogo' origin was known to be very good to hear there is harmony between voice and puppeteer with gendhing accompaniment.Therefore, many panggemar puppet who feel as if seeing real life when listening to 'wayang kulit' performance by Dalang Hadi Sugito, though only through radio broadcasts or audio recordings.
Ki Hadi Sugito central role in the leather puppet 'gagrak' Yogyakarta have no doubt. He is one of the masterminds who remain firm believers in the grip Yogya style leather puppet. He totally swept away other puppeteers 'stuck' on the puppet who only put in terms of spectacle and ignores its function as a guide.
In the conditions of the observer is concerned because of the traditional arts universe that is 'perkeliran' profanity, January 9, then suddenly came the news that the Maestro Yogyakarta Dalang Ki Hadi Sugito, died. News that too is true, and Ki Hadi Sugito buried at 'Sasana Laya Genthan Kulonprogo', January 10, 2008 exactly 1 Sura 1941 (1 Muharam 1429 H).
Concern of the observer of art and the classic leather puppeteer increases, because at this time actually Yogya style of puppetry in urgent need of role models, such as Ki Hadi Sugito. Concern was expressed by, among others Ki Cerma Sutedjo, Ki Sumono Widjiatmodjo and some other mastermind. For according to them, the mastermind was a major factor 'keadiluhungan' leather puppet."For the moment Ki Hadi Sugito is the most appropriate figure used as role models, especially the young puppeteer, puppet style for Yogya remains noble civilization," said Ki Cerma Sutedjo.
'Dalang' from Surakarta, Ki Ancient Asmoro MHum Skar considers that if 'mendalang', as Mr. Hadi Sugito spirit can enter the body puppets, especially when I'm playing 'Durna' figures, 'Togog' and 'Mbilung'. Greatness 'antawecana' to make the puppets as if truly alive today, is the ability of Ki Hadi Sugito not shared by other puppeteers. "Mr Gito really can turn the puppet as his time. But the puppet who played Ki Hadi Sugito fixed classic style, according to the rules and order of the valuable, "said Ki Purbo when representing the artists in the ceremonial departure of the corpse Ki Hadi Sugito, Thursday (10 / 1).
As an actor 'adiluhung' art, continued Ki Purbo, devotion Ki Hadi Sugito already complete. He has totality fully alive to the traditional art of the 'noble civilization' into art that is able to follow the times. "Her attitude is 'enthengan' to fellow artists and his strong grip hold on the classic puppet 'Gagrak Ngayogjakarta', an attitude that is very worthy of imitation, for leather puppet is really still 'noble civilization,'" he said.
About 'keadiluhungan' puppet, Ir Haryono Haryoguritno of the National Secretariat of Indonesian wayang (Senawangi) say, a work of art can reach 'kemahakaryaan' as determined by the human performers (artists concerned, in this case mastermind), the atmosphere around the supporting performances, climate artistic activity in an area, and other factors that support 'keadiluhungan' puppet.
Citing the book contents Sastramiruda puppetry, Ir Haryono Haryoguritno describe that to go 'keadiluhungan' puppet, a puppeteer must meet 12 requirements. Among 'antawecana' (appropriately voiced their puppet), 'renggep' (to present an exciting spectacle, 'nges' (to dramatize the scene so as to evoke a sense of involvement viewers / listeners), 'tutug' (to present the story through to completion), 'gecul' / jokester ( can make a joke) and 'kawiradya' (to distinguish 'janturan' for each scene.
Chairman Pepadi Kulonprogo, Ki Sumono Widjiatmodjo say, Mr. Gito is known as the mastermind 'gecul ning ora' indecent. In the case of 'antawecana', Mr Gito very tough, especially when playing characters Durna, Togog and Mbilung. Even in play Bagong Twins, viewers or listeners can clearly distinguish which Bagong the original and the fake.
"Problem 'nges lan' lost interest ', Mr Gito always can draw the feelings of others involved in the puppet. Especially if you're playing an evil character Durna, so that there is an audience in 'Ngambal Kebumen' really hate Durna and revoke Durna puppet being played Ki Hadi Sugito, "said Ki Sumono. (Refernce : http://warta.pepadi.com/?p=49, Joko Budhiarto)
His Masterpiece
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